What is included in Maintenance & Support?

The Maintenance & Support services of Cosyst Devices are designed to provide our customers with comprehensive assistance and ensure that our smart devices continue to perform optimally over time.

Our Process

Online Consulting: Our team of expert understands the need for product and suggests possible solutions.

Free Site Visit: Our site engineer schedules a site visit to the client location and inspects the site.

Free Quotation & Installation Schedule: Free quote, along with the installation date schedule as per client convenience.

Executions of Work: On the Scheduled date & time our professional engineer executes the work.

Client Satisfaction Report: After the execution of the work our engineer collects customer feedback on the feedback form.

After Sales Service in Warranty: Along with every installation we provide free 1-year maintenance & support.

AMC: The client can also opt for AMC, we have 2 options, 1. Comprehensive & non-Comprehensive.
