What is Tipp N Tell Indicator & how does it work

  • 12 June , 2021
  • By: Madhu

There are millions of packages shipped and delivered every day. With the rapid growth in the e-commerce industry, India’s parcel shipment volume is on the rise. Owing to the pandemic, the number of online shoppers is at an all-time high. There are goods shipped every second and due to high volume, it becomes difficult for shipping and logistics companies to monitor these packages resulting in damage of goods in transit. This happens quite often and most of us at some point have received damaged goods which is never a pleasant experience to deal with.

Cosyst Devices Tipp N Tell indicator is a reliable and affordable warning system for monitoring the shipment of all kinds of goods, from lightweight goods such as bulbs, glassware to sensitive items such as chemical liquids, pharmaceutical goods to heavyweight items such as water purifiers, electronic goods, etc. 

Tipp-N-Tell Indicator pack comprises of Tipp N Tell device and an alert sticker to be affixed on shipment bills which will alert both carrier and the consignee that the shipment is being monitored. There is an activation pin attached to the indicator which must be pulled out for the device to start monitoring. Once activated, this device does an amazing job in delivering your goods safely from warehouse to destination. If the package gets tilted during transit the color of the indicator changes from white to red indicating that there is a danger. Normal movements and road shocks will have no impact on the Tipp N Tell indicator so a false alarm is rare as this device functions efficiently.

Shipping & Logistics companies must take advantage of this great tool as this will save both time and energy in monitoring goods that travel miles each day. It also makes monitoring and controlling goods a much simpler and safer process. A recent study also shows that the damage rate dropped by 50% when goods are monitored using this method.

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